- Shipping Service
(海外客戶只接受 信用卡)
亞洲地區客戶使用順豐速遞 SF Express
  • 為方便通關進口,應填寫正確收件人中文姓名, 收件人電話號碼及收件人身分證號碼 ( 信息將只用於快遞報關用途)
  • 收件人電話號碼須符合台灣通用電話編碼的原則;例如02-8765-4321或0912-345-678;
  • 收件人姓名與身分證號碼必須相符
- 本地客戶 -
請清楚列明 姓名全名,電話,順豐地區及順豐code。

Please List Your Full name, Phone number, SF Express area and SF Express. code.

E.g: Chan Tai Man, 12345678, Mong Kok, 852GLPM




貨品一般會在確認付款後兩個工作天內出貨 (不包括星期日及公眾假期)。非工作天將不會處理訂單,我們會留待下個工作天進行處理。如有特別狀況影響出貨進度,將作另行通知。


Orders will be processed within 2 working days after successful payment. Orders received on Sunday, public holidays or after office hours will be processed on the next business day. If the delivery service already scheduled shall not be available when in the special situation, an alternative delivery date will be announced. 


Delivery Terms and Charges


順豐快遞配送時間約1-2 個工作天。送貨服務不適用於郵政信箱及酒店。

The estimated shipping lead time of SF Express is about 1-2 days. Delivery to postal box or hotel is not accepted.